Getting started in lithotherapy

Les 7 chakras et la lithothérapie : un duo gagnant pour votre bien-être

The 7 chakras and lithotherapy: a winning duo f...

Combine the benefits of lithotherapy and chakras for complete well-being. Choose the stones adapted to each chakra and feel the positive effects on your body and mind.

The 7 chakras and lithotherapy: a winning duo f...

Combine the benefits of lithotherapy and chakras for complete well-being. Choose the stones adapted to each chakra and feel the positive effects on your body and mind.

Comment créer la combinaison de pierres parfaite ?

How to create the perfect stone combination?

Amplify the benefits of your stones by combining them! Some combinations are more powerful than others.

How to create the perfect stone combination?

Amplify the benefits of your stones by combining them! Some combinations are more powerful than others.

Comment purifier et recharger ses pierres ?

How to purify and recharge your stones?

Your stones absorb energies. Purify them regularly to clean them. Then recharge them to give them back vitality. Several methods exist: water, salt, earth, light, incense, geodes, wave forms.

How to purify and recharge your stones?

Your stones absorb energies. Purify them regularly to clean them. Then recharge them to give them back vitality. Several methods exist: water, salt, earth, light, incense, geodes, wave forms.

Comment choisir sa première pierre ?

How to choose your first stone?

Let yourself be guided by your intuition. If a stone particularly attracts you, it is often a sign that it is right for you. Take into account your needs and...

How to choose your first stone?

Let yourself be guided by your intuition. If a stone particularly attracts you, it is often a sign that it is right for you. Take into account your needs and...